November 28, 2013

Time To Thank...

Thanksgiving Outfit

Although we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Colombia, I believe this is probably the most wonderful holiday in North America. We're all blessed with thousands of things, but how many times do we actually thank for them?

There are many things to be thankful for. I my case, they're usually linked to my family, my friends, some kind of academic achievement, or my beloved horse Coco. I'm always aware of what I have. Of course, I have an unlimited wish list, and I would sometimes like to be better... But I could say I'm thankful for who I am...

God––or genetics, whichever you prefer––made me beautiful. Or so I think. If I don't see my own beauty, who will? And the fact that I can see it makes me even more special than what anyone can think. I'm also healthy and happy. I've got lots of friends, I can travel, I speak different languages and I can read the best creations of humanity. I love fashion and, although I still don't own that beautiful Céline bag, I'm able to wear different –clean– clothes everyday...

I can give and help those around me... And even those who are a bit more distant.

I have a beautiful, loving mother, and a super-hero sister, who inspires me to be my best self every day of my life. I have a father who has supported my crazy academic desires ever since I was born, and a boyfriend who's always there for me, no matter what. I have a cousin that takes care of all of us from heaven, two little baby cousins that remind me how beautiful life is, and yet another one, who's my soul twin.

I have a wonderful enterprise that reproduces my dreams in the form of jewellery. I have this blog, that lets me write my feelings and all the things I love every time I want to.

But, more than anything else, I have myself. I am my best friend, my support, my biggest love. I am me, and I'm really thankful for it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Outfit

Thanksgiving Outfit

Thanksgiving Outfit

Thanksgiving Outfit

Every year, my tradition for Thanksgiving is to have dinner with my friends. We all share amazing moments over food, and of course take the time to write Thank-You Notes and be happy altogether. I love dressing up for the occasion, so I was trying to plan an outfit idea that could work for it. And this is what I came up with!

What will you wear for Thanksgiving? Do you have any exciting plans?


November 20, 2013

The Rockstar

The Rockstar

The Rockstar

The Rockstar

The Rockstar

I went out on Sunday to have some hot cocoa to fight the cold weather. It was raining and I wasn't happy at all with the weather, so I decided a sugar overdose would heal my heart. That's what chocolate's made for, isn't it?

I was wearing some faux-leather leggings, which are, to my point of view, the ultimate piece of clothing this season. And the only reason why I love them so much is because I feel like Mick Jagger rocking them on the streets... Although it would probably be a more feminine version of Jagger, of course!


November 16, 2013

Oh, Italy!

Castel Sant'Angelo

Castel Sant'Angelo

Vatican City

Rome - Coliseo

Castel Sant'Angelo

Castel Sant'Angelo

Fontana di Trevi





Vatican City




A few days ago I received some very exciting news this week, which are related to one of my most favourite things in life: travel!!

As part of one of my multiple jobs, I'll be going to Italy on January, where I'll be spending two amazing weeks. This has basically taken my sleep away for pretty much the whole week, and it all started when I received an email with these words:

We just want to say that we are ENDLESSLY EXCITED for this adventure...

Trust me, I am so excited I can't even put it into words! Even if it means working, I'm pretty sure this Italian adventure will be one in a lifetime and I really want to make the best our of it. While I try not to freak out of excitement, I want to share with you some of my fave pictures from the last time I went to this beautiful country (the series of posts starts here, if you want to know more about my summer trip to Italy!)


Photography: Laura Beltran-Rubio

November 13, 2013

Red Animal

Red Animal

You might have already noticed, but colourful coats are huge this season! And animal print is an all-time classic for fall-winter. So I decided to mix them in this winning combination. What do you think about it?


November 6, 2013

The Fur Vest

The Fur Vest

The weather has been getting colder and colder... And probably more bipolar as well. It rained a lot during the weekend... Yesterday I woke up with a sunny day, but it started to pour around 5 pm. So that probably means that the Sun I can see from my window won't last much longer... But the good side to it is that I can get to wear this beautiful fur vest I stole from my mum. I love it with all my heart and I can tell I will be wearing it quite often this season!
