Ever since I was a child, I remember loving riding a horse. We had a country house with some horses, and I will always remember spending hours riding around the place with my dad. I then convinced him of sending me to proper riding lessons, and a while after that I started show-jumping. And I've never stopped riding after that. I hope I never do!
Coco is my lovely horse, which my mum gave to me a few years ago. He's a bit crazy, but he's definitely taught me lots of different things. I love him and I love grooming him, riding him and going to show-jumping competitions with him! This weekend after my riding lesson, I decided I should do something I didn't do since I was a child: bareback riding! It was the first time I did this on Coco (I never had the courage to do it before, since he's a bit too crazy), but it was amazing! U'm sure I'll do it again soon, and hopefully I'll repeat it lots of times more!