The summer is reaching its end and that means I'm now back home for some time... I'm back in uni, meaning I need to start focusing on my studies and do some work! Although there are some lucky ones who still have quite a long time of holidays left, I'm pretty sure that many of you are in my situation. But if there's something I can say about it, is that it's absolutely not an excuse to stop having fun!
Being back home has meant seeing some of my friends again and, what's best, getting to hang out with my lovely sister again! And that's exactly what we started doing last week, as soon as I arrived from New York: we went to the Colombian National Museum, where they're showing this amazing exposition about the gods, myths and religion in Greece, showing a ceramics collection from the Louvre Museum.
The exposition is only one room, but it was pretty enjoyable, although, to be honest, if you've been to the Louvre, it won't change your life. However, I wanted to go and see it, as my own way to support art here in Colombia. I've always had the impression that it's one of the things that people don't really appreciate that much here and, although it's improved in the las few years, we still have a long way to go in such cultural aspects...
What I did find amazing in the exposition was another room –especially designed for children– full of didactic activities designed to teach them how the Greeks lived. My sister and I decided to just be us, and lost our mind there! We were the happiest "kids" there! Among the different activities, we got to play with the Greek alphabet, send sand messages to the gods, and swing to avoid becoming crazy!

Photography: Laura Beltran-Rubio