Although I lovelunch––basically because of dessert––, the most important meal in my day is definitely breakfast. Believe it or not, when you have a good breakfast you are better prepared to embrace all the challenges in your day, you have more energies, and you'll be happier –who doesn't get grumpy when he's hungry, eh?
However, I understand it is sometimes quite difficult for us to have a good breakfast in the middle of our rush in the mornings... But that is definitely not an excuse for skipping this very important meal! And that's why I decided to share with you one of my favourite breakfast recipes for busy days at college or work: the parfait!
Apart from being healthy, it is also delicious and super easy to make!
Let's start with the ingredients
This super short list includes greek yogurt (any flavour, you choose!), strawberries and some granola.
How to prepare it
You'll need a container where to prepare your parfait. Once you've got it, you must pour your yogurt in it. Try to make the top surface of the yogurt as smooth as possible.
You must then cut the strawberries in small pieces that can fit inside your mouth, and pour them on top of the greek yogurt.
Once you're done with the strawberries, add the granola on top of them.
And now you're ready to go! I usually prepare it on a Tupperware, since I carry it and eat it on my way to school. But you can prepare it in a normal cup if you're going to eat it soon enough.
As you've seen, it is super easy to make and, better than that, it's really quick! So there are no excuses to skip breakfast anymore!
If you're wondering what if I get tired of it? let me tell you that's not going to happen, since there are lots of variations you can make... For instance, if you change the flavour of the yogurt, that can give a complete twist to your parfait. You can also replace the strawberries for any other fruit; in fact, you can also mix different fruits. You can add some honey to make it sweeter, or maybe even some chocolate chips... Use your imagination and be creative! And please share some of your creations with me. I would love to try them out!

Photography: Laura Beltran-Rubio