We all know that my favourite person in the whole world is my beautiful sister. Not only because she's the little fairy that was sent to take care of me while we grew up, but also because she's the perfect example of fighting for life and being awesome on the way! She's taught me to always think positive and fight for what I want, while loving myself and being happy.
Last year, we spent her birthday in Madrid, doing what she loves the most: eatº–yeah, she's even more of a foodie than I am! We had some delicious brunch, followed by the best paella in town! It was definitely an unforgettable day for her.
Today she's turning 21! And although we're not Eurotripping this year, I really want today to be special. So we're definitely going out for lunch, and hopefully I'll get her to finally share some prosecco––or maybe even a Margarita?––with me! We're also going to get her a new laptop, so she can start working on her awesome design projects for school.
I still remember the first time I held you in my hands, and how happy I felt about my little sister being born. I remember skipping class in kindergarten because I wanted to make sure you were doing good, and I remember wanting to kill those bullies who were mean to you in middle school. From this little baby just entering primary school you've grown up to be a wonderful woman and I'm sure your future is full of amazing surprises!
I will miss you to the moon and back when I'm in New York!

Photography: Laura Beltran-Rubio