My third day in Cartagena was probably my favourite so far. I spent the morning getting tanned with my sister by the pool, and then went for lunch to one of my dad's favourite restaurants: La Casa de Socorro. It is apparently famous now, but my dad remembers visiting even before I was born, and loving the seafood there. And it's still delicious, so if you ever visit Cartagena, I sincerely recommend it!
I had some crab claws with patacones (fried plantain, basically) for a starter, and then a prawn, shrimp, and lobster stew with yet more patacones and coconut rice as the main dish. To be honest, I couldn't tell which was better. But what I can tell you is that I walked out very full and happy from that place. Cartagena never lets my inner foodie down, and that's probably the main reason why I always want to come back.
We then walked around town to digest all that food. One of the things I really love about the city centre is how colourful all the little houses are. And the balconies. I remember dreaming with having a beautiful balcony covered with bougainvillea flowers in my home when I was a child.
We arrived back in our hotel just in time to see the sunset. And although it was a little cloudy, the colours of the sun were absolutely stunning. I think I'm starting to doubt going to New York now... Couldn't I just stay eating the best seafood and watching the sunset every day in Cartagena forever?

Photography: Laura Beltran-Rubio
I had some crab claws with patacones (fried plantain, basically) for a starter, and then a prawn, shrimp, and lobster stew with yet more patacones and coconut rice as the main dish. To be honest, I couldn't tell which was better. But what I can tell you is that I walked out very full and happy from that place. Cartagena never lets my inner foodie down, and that's probably the main reason why I always want to come back.
We then walked around town to digest all that food. One of the things I really love about the city centre is how colourful all the little houses are. And the balconies. I remember dreaming with having a beautiful balcony covered with bougainvillea flowers in my home when I was a child.
We arrived back in our hotel just in time to see the sunset. And although it was a little cloudy, the colours of the sun were absolutely stunning. I think I'm starting to doubt going to New York now... Couldn't I just stay eating the best seafood and watching the sunset every day in Cartagena forever?

Photography: Laura Beltran-Rubio