The moment I walked out of home yesterday to meet one of my friends for lunch, I could tell the fall had finally arrived in the city. Although the trees still have green leaves––most of them at least––and the weather is not so chilly yet, it seems like the fall is finally here. And because it is my favourite season of all, I decided to write a post in its honour. Although it seems like I have an endless list of the things that I want to do in the next couple of month, I'm sharing the top-20 with you!
1. Find a cute place to buy tea
We all know I'm big on tea. Although I've found a couple of cool places to get it in New York, I would love to explore more and find my go-to place to get nice tea to brew at home during the cold days. I'm super excited to start the search now that the fall has arrived!
2. Spend a whole day watching movies in bed
I realised a couple of days ago that I haven't taken a real break since the end of the summer. Although I did spend some time relaxing when my family came to visit about a month ago and then escaped to Princeton to have some calm out of the city, I haven't really taken the chance to literally stop moving. So I thought taking just one day off to watch movies in bed is something I need to make happen during this fall.
3. Bake a pumpkin crumble cake
This is one of my favourite recipes––and pretty much the only thing I can bake––so I'm super excited to bake it! I actually promised one of my friends I'll do that for her––and she's visiting next week––so it might happen sooner than I thought.
4. Take pictures of the orange leaves
Although I do love taking pictures of pretty much everything, I am particularly in love with the orange colours of the fall. So of course taking pictures of the trees as they change colours and the falling leaves has got to be one of the top items on my list. Do expect lots of pictures on this!
I normally spend long hours reading on the daily, but I have come to a point where I feel I'm only reading things I have to––although this thankfully doesn't mean I don't like them––instead of choosing what I want. I've had these two books on my wishlist for a while, so I need to read them this fall. I need to make it happen!
6. Get back running!
One of the things I used to do a lot during my early college years was running. I don't really know why I stopped doing that––because I actually loved it!––so I've decided I should go back to it. It was not only a great way to exercise and burn some calories, but also to feel energised every day. I really want to start doing it again, and I was thinking that maybe running on Central Park could be a good way to go back, and hopefully also a motivation to keep going!
7. Drink a Pumpkin Spice Latte
Although I truly love these, I've been enjoying making Colombian espresso with the raw coffee my dad sent all the way back from home, so I haven't really had the chance to buy coffee out of home. However, pumpkin spice latte is a must on the fall, so I really have to get at least one this season!
8. Go to the costume store and try funky things on
To be honest, I don't particularly enjoy dressing up, and I never really wear costumes for Halloween. But I do enjoy going to all the awesome costume stores that pop up in New York during October just to try ridiculous stuff on!
9. Have one last picnic in Central Park
I know you can spend time in Central Park once the winter has come––and it actually looks lovely all covered in white––but having a picnic before the weather gets too cold and while you can still actually sit down on the grass is something we should all do during the fall. We will definitely miss those moments during the winter!
10. Ride a bike!
I mentioned this before, but I really want to start moving around New York in a bicycle. I truly love this city and don't really understand why I hide myself in the subway every day. And it will probably be too cold to do this once the winter comes, so the fall is the perfect time to do so!
11. Send postcards
I love handcrafted things, and I love snail mail. So sending postcards––possibly made by myself––is one of my best things to do in life. I remember spending hours writing letters and doing art to send back home when I was at summer camp, so I thought I should bring these happy moments back this fall––especially considering I am far from home again.
12. Find my new favourite red wine
I really like wine––and the love seems to have become more intense recently, for some reason––so buying some good wines is always a good thing to do. I had lots of prosecco and rosé during the summer, but these are not as good as the weather starts getting colder, just because they are meant to be drank cold. So I decided I should find a sort of "staple" red wine for the fall––and who knows, if it's good enough, it might go on to the winter!
13. Have a PJ party with your best friend
PJ parties are always the best parties ever! I particularly love when they include lots of pillow talking and some wine. And these are more than perfect to have during the fall because you can stay in bed and have fun all night long, only to wake up for more pumpkin goodies––pancakes, waffles, etc––for brunch!
14. Do some art!
Art is one of the most valuable things in our lives because it makes us come back to our emotions and because it tears us apart from all the stress in our everyday lives––unless you're an artist, I guess... I used to draw a lot when I was in high school––although, sadly, this talent seems to have disappeared because I haven't done it in a very long while––and I spent time doing collage until right before I moved to New York. But I've come to realise I really miss it, so I really want to go back. The fall seems to be a great time, because I can still have fun while I stay inside in the colder weather. (And I might even start drawing again while I drink pumpkin spice latte!)
15. Step on the fallen leaves and hear them crunch
I must confess this is one of my favourite things to do! Ever since I was a little girl, I remember enjoying stepping on the crunchy leaves and listen to the delightful sound they make. And even if over 20 years have passed since I first discovered the joy of stepping on dry leaves, I still enjoy it as much as I did for the first time. And it is probably something that I will continue loving year after year when the fall comes.
16. Go to the ballet
This probably doesn't need a lot of explanation. I love ballet, and I love spending evenings just watching performing arts. So this is a must!
17. Get new scented candles
I love scented candles, especially when I light them on a cold night while I read a good book at home––and hopefully have a glass of wine as well. I also like different smells during the different seasons, so I think it's time to find the best scents for the fall!
18. Learn to do some fall cocktails
There are some drinks that just feel like fall––especially when they have a ginger-y, cinnamon-y taste. So I thought it would be cool to learn––or create––some recipes for -perfect-for-fall cocktails and maybe even have a cocktail night with friends at home to drink those.
19. Visit the Met Museum
Although I love museums in general, and there are lots of museums that I could visit endlessly, the Met is my favourite museum in the whole world! But for some reason I haven't taken the time to visit ever since I moved to New York two months ago, so I thought it is time to make it happen! I really love the place and I will probably be the happiest girl in the whole city once I'm there... So I need to visit soon!
20. Buy a cashmere sweater
Fall is the best time of the year to buy those pieces of clothing that you know you will wear all winter long. A cashmere sweater is one of the best things to buy because it's super comfy and warm, and also because it will resist during the whole winter and become a true companion for the cold season.

Photography: Laura Beltran-Rubio