I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I'm a real admirer of people who do sports on a regular basis. Practicing sports––or any kind of activity, actually––on a regular basis is an amazing experience, that teaches you about perseverance, responsibility, and discipline... and these are all basic components of living a happy life––at least to me!
So of course I had to go and cheer the people at the NYC Marathon. I did not go to the finish line because I figured it was going to be a little crowded, so I went somewhere around mile 25.5––which is very close to the end. I made it just in time before the female leads went by, and had to wait only a short amount of time before seeing their male counterparts.
I must confess that while I was there, I got a little nostalgic... Seeing dozens of people cheering all the runners, no matter if they'd never seen them, was truly amazing. There was also a family close to me, and the father––who apparently had run a marathon at some point in his life––was telling his young kid how wonderful all these athletes were. This made me miss my own daddy so much! I remembered when we went cycling to the Colombian mountains when I was younger... Maybe he'll come run with me in Central Park some time...?

Photography: Laura Beltran-Rubio
So of course I had to go and cheer the people at the NYC Marathon. I did not go to the finish line because I figured it was going to be a little crowded, so I went somewhere around mile 25.5––which is very close to the end. I made it just in time before the female leads went by, and had to wait only a short amount of time before seeing their male counterparts.
I must confess that while I was there, I got a little nostalgic... Seeing dozens of people cheering all the runners, no matter if they'd never seen them, was truly amazing. There was also a family close to me, and the father––who apparently had run a marathon at some point in his life––was telling his young kid how wonderful all these athletes were. This made me miss my own daddy so much! I remembered when we went cycling to the Colombian mountains when I was younger... Maybe he'll come run with me in Central Park some time...?

Photography: Laura Beltran-Rubio